Foraging ecology
Research questions
Where do animals go to find food?
What's the ocean like there?
Where did this White Tern get this fish?
To answer these questions, I use a combination of scientific tools.
GPS and satellite tracking tags tell us where the animals travel.
Remotely sensed environmental variables like chlorophyll and sea surface temperature tell us what the ocean was like when the animals visited different areas.
Chemical signatures, like carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, tell us about the animals' diets.
GPS tracking tag
GPS tracking data
Chlorophyll concentrations
Related publications
Gilmour, M.E., J.L. Lavers, C. Lamborg, O. Chastel, S.A. Kania, S.A. Shaffer. 2019. Mercury as an indicator of foraging ecology but not the breeding hormone prolactin in seabirds. Ecological Indicators 103:248-259.