Ocean Protect podcast guest
14 September 2020
Had a great time chatting with the Ocean Protect team about our recent balloon study!
Listen here: https://play.acast.com/s/ocean-protect/bustinballoonmythswithdrmorgangilmour-part1of2-
Latex balloons do not degrade uniformly in the environment
18 August 2020
Our new study in the Adrift Lab at the University of Tasmania found that latex balloons didn't meaningfully break down after 4 months in freshwater, saltwater, or industrial compost.
Peer-reviewed study here
Summarized in The Conversation here
American Australian Association USA-to-Australia Scholar
23 January 2019
I have been awarded a Graduate Education Scholarship that I will use during my post-doctoral research at the University of Tasmania. I'll be studying plastic pollution in the Adrift Lab. This Scholarship will cover the cost of my living expenses for one year.
23 July 2018
Boobies adapt to local environmental conditions while foraging at-sea. This means that they could be flexible enough to cope with increasingly changing ocean habitats.
My first dissertation chapter is published!
Honorable Mention, Best PhD Student Presentations, Pacific Seabird Group annual meeting
20 February 2018
I was honored to receive awards for both of my presentations at the annual PSG meeting in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Central Coast High School Environmental Coalition Conference
20 May 2017
I was a guest speaker at a local conference in Santa Cruz. It was really invigorating to speak with high school students who were curious and passionate about our environment, and clearly want to make the world a better place!
#WSTC3 Discussion panel, Biologging
14 April 2017
I chatted with three other biologists about biologging techniques, constraints, and the awesome data that it can generate for the third annual World Seabird Twitter Conference #WSTC3.
3-min. speed talk, MARINE conference
4 April 2017
A super brief intro to part of my dissertation research at the Monterey Area Research Institutions' Network for Education (MARINE). Overall I felt good about it, though I made the classic rookie mistake of spending too much time introducing my subject matter and not enough time on my Results!